Atabey Outdoors
hiking, climbing, camping, paddle boarding, biking, All outdoor adventures
Provide outdoor adventures that are beginner friendly and easily accessible, as well as engaging for BIPOC girls ages 8-12 and their families.

Atabey Outdoors addresses the lack of representation and access to safe, inclusive outdoor activities for BIPOC girls and non-binary youth aged 8-12, who face significant barriers due to historical marginalization and exclusion from outdoor spaces. Our organization is the first of its kind to truly provide representation with 100% of volunteers and employees being Black, Indigenous and/or People of Color. Atabey Outdoors uses human-centered design principles to involve BIPOC girls and non-binary youth in the creation and execution of our programs. We regularly conduct focus groups and surveys with our participants to gather their insights and feedback on their outdoor experiences and preferences. Additionally, we empower youth leaders within our programs to take on active roles in planning and leading activities, ensuring that the programs are tailored to their interests and needs. This approach not only enhances the relevance and effectiveness of our initiatives but also fosters a sense of ownership and empowerment among the young individuals we serve.